Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year

Hello there!


I hope you had a marvellous 2014 but if not, fear not as you have a brand new year to start afresh. Despite not posting in 2014, I feel overall satisfied with how the year went. It was probably the most stressful year of my life but also my most successful. Here's what went down in 2014:
  • I passed my driving test. ( third time lucky, but all the best drivers pass third time, right?)
  • Last day of school ever.

Sixth Formers dress up for the last day of term and we went as The Chuckle Brothers. - Some people actually thought we were male!!

For the second to last day of school year 13's wear their old year 7 - 11 school uniform.
  • I became an official adult - I'm 18 and celebrated with pizza and friends.
  • School Prom.

Prom was just so lovely, and we went to a club afterwards.

  • The longest summer holidays so far.
  • Camping in Lincolnshire with my parents for a week.

  • 3 days in Paris.

  • Soul Survivor and collecting A Level grades.
  • Passed my A levels.
  • Visited my sister in London.

  • Late birthday surprise trip to Weston-Super-Mere.

  • I started studying Psychology at Coventry University.
  • Moving out.
  • Freshers flu and Freshers week fun.
  • Joined Snow Sports society.
  • Christmas festivities including Birmingham Christmas market and my halls block Christmas dinner.

Although this post is public, I've written it mainly so I can remember what I did in 2014 in years to come as it's easy to forget. I think it's good to keep track of what you've done so you can look back when you are feeling a little down and think, yes - I did that - I can be successful. I wish you all the best for 2015 and I hope it's productive for you.
Best Wishes xxxx

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