Friday 1 November 2013

Revision, Revision, Revision... Already?

Hello There!

So I haven't written in a while because I have been overloaded with school work despite it being the half term break! Shouldn't we A level students be needing a break, rather than studying hard in order to pass the first mock exams of the year. Anyway during the 'lack of motivation revising stage' I remembered a fabulous website that my sister told me about a very long time ago. Quizlet, if you haven't heard of it. ( And no, I have not been paid or asked to write this blog post by anyone for your information.

Basically, Quizlet is a website where you can create your own flashcards for free, or use some that other people have made, and learn using the games and tests on the website. A personal favourite is the space race game even though I can never think fast enough to score any points. I find it helps me to still carry on revising when I honestly feel like completely giving up A Levels. It can actually make learning a little fun, as much as revision can be.

Also there's an app for that. For freeee! So you can revise in a 5 minute gap you have between doing things or while traveling.

So as you can probably tell, I really like this website for revising, and I thought I'd share it with you for those who have no motivation to revise ever, like me.

Other than this my other revision techniques include, mindmaps, revision pages, practice questions and reading over things again and again.

Love Caroline xx

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