Sunday 6 October 2013

Thorpe Park and The Swarm

Hello there!

A while ago I went off with a few friends to Thorpe Park. Since I am a little bit of an adrenaline junkie, I could not wait to get on to their newest ride- THE SWARM-. So, as soon as we stepped into the park we rushed off to the ride. For those of you who don't know, you can also travel backwards on this ride, so we hopped straight into the queue. 

The queuing I found strange because if you wanted to go on the ride forwards you had to queue on the left of the line, and if you wanted to ride backwards you had to queue on the right. (I hope that makes sense to you) However, all of the fellow queuers seemed to be trying to queue for forwards, but they had taken up the whole width of the queue so unfortunately, we had to awkwardly push past them all to get the the end of the backwards queue. It was just awful looking at the other rider's "uhh, what do you think you're doing?" faces as we slithered through the line.

When we finally got to strap ourselves into the "winged seat position" as stated on their website, we rushed off into the air, and you get that thumping heart feeling causing you to automatically scream in excitement and anticipation of the inversions and 127ft inverted drop. I won't reveal the whole ride but it was very fun and it was definitely a roller coaster not to miss. Personally, I think I preferred the ride in the forward seating as I liked watching all the things we were about to 'crash' into, but the others all preferred going backwards.

I didn't manage to take a picture of The swarm, so here is one from their website:

As for the rest of the day, we went on many other thrilling rides such as, stealth, colossus, nemesis inferno, and the not so thrilling rumba rapids, which we actually went around 3 times in a row because it was very pleasant calming and fun.

We also went on tidal wave, where it is fair to say I was soaked through and through to the skin, but it was worth it for the thrill and experience. Here is the ride by the way, not that you can really see it ;)

Love Caroline xx

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