Sunday 15 September 2013

Quality, not Quantity.

Hello there!

Just a thought:
Recently, I have changed my approach when purchasing new items, like clothes, bags, makeup etc. as before, I always used to look for cheap and cheerful items, which although can often be lovely, they only last for a very little amount of time. For example, over the past few years I have bought school bags that are on the cheaper side and cost around £15, sometimes less, and no surprise after about a month, they break. So I end up buying another cheap back, and the process continues. However lovely new bags can be, it can become particularly irritating having to always sneak into the art block to get sellotape in order to stick my bag temporally back together.
The point I'm making here is that sometimes, it's best to spend a little more on something that will last.
My handbag from primark that will break ;)

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