Tuesday 3 September 2013

Back to School


So tomorrow, I go back to school, which in some ways makes me feel a little sad because I know it is my last year of school after 13 years of education. This also means that this year is A-Levels. *PANIC* I have to work nearly non stop for the next 9-10 months, in order to hopefully go to university, which is really, quite stressful. So here are my personal tips and aims for myself, which you could try and follow too, in order for a happy, less stressful year at school:

1. Try to do all homework on the day set - that way I won't be worrying as much when I have to finish coursework for the next day, which may or may not have happened last year.

2. Try to do a little more exercise - Despite often feeling too tired to bother to go on a run, when I do go running I feel a lot better for it after. Also I have new running trainers that are extremely comfy and lightweight so I want to use them a little more.

3. Work hard, Play hard. The classic rule, which I will attempt to stick to. I'm going to try and focus on my school work and then also organise fun activities and meet up with friends on the weekends more to forget about my schoolwork for a little while.

4. It's only 9 months -  of working hard, then I can relax and have the longest summer holiday I will ever have in my entire life (I can't wait)

5. Have a relaxing evening every now and again - after school, so I don't get super stressed. This will involve a hot bath, hot chocolate and T.V.

So I probably won't end up sticking to this completely, but it is worth a try I suppose. Well, thats all for now, wish me luck for early mornings and hard work for the next 9 months :(


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