Wednesday 28 August 2013

Soul Survivor

Hello You!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I also went to Soul Survivor this summer, which for those who don't know, is a camp where lots of Christians and a few non-christians, get together to learn about the bible and God and worship and things like that. But before you stop reading, because you think it sounds utterly boring and a waste of time, it is actually, one of my favourite weeks in the year! I find the talks especially encouraging, so when I leave the 'Big Top', shown below, I always leave with a mix of excitement  joy, contentness and the feeling of possibility and hope for the future.

Along with the interesting talks and worship bands ('The Rend Collective Experiment' is my fav) the camping is quite an experience. Luckily this year, the church youth group I went with had a lounge tent complete with sofa, armchairs, carpet and bunting, which was just perfect. So although the food wasn't 5 star or even 3 star cuisine, and the toilets and showers were positively yucky, the lounge and kitchen tents made up for it.

The Lounge Tent

Dinner mmmmm...

The most delicious hot chocolate

The Wasp Trap

Got a little henna fish on my wrist there!
The tool shed, full of stalls and interesting activities.

Overall, I had a fabulous 5 days at Soul Survivor, hopefully I can go next year too!

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